09 Apr

EFT Tapping Training, Tips and Go-tos<br>November 2021 Results of our group effort - Thank you group.Below find the Basic Recipe training for EFT Tapping along with tips that both Rob Smith and I have found helpful to get the most out of tapping for beginners.Tapping 101 Tips put together from previous posts:

  1. Watch video titled "Test Driving the EFT Basic Recipe" several times, and follow along. (https://emofree.com/.../tapping-basics/how-to-do-eft.html...)
  2. Make initial list of 10-25 issues that were distrubing to you in the past, to tap on.
  3. Choose one issue and repeat the same statement over and over for the 5 minute session and add anything that comes up to the end of the list eg tapping on being sad about loss in the stock market and what comes up is the time my lunch money was stolen in 5th grade.
  4. **Tap with your eyes closed**
  5. Make issues be as specific as possible in a language that is authentic to you. Eg it’s better to say, “the time I got so ragging angry at “John Doe” for yelling “No you can’t have that” reminder “My rage at John”. Better to ramp it up to rage than damp it down to irritation or disappointment.
    Irritation>Anger, Anger>Rage, Afraid>freaking out etc.
  6. Don’t change the statement during tapping sessions for today.
  7. Keep an ongoing list of things to tap on, just keep adding to the list as more things come up. And cross off anything you have tapped on.
  8. Recommend to practice tapping every day, tap for five minutes three times a day on the same statement
  9. What you say is not as important as being able to feel the disturbance that the issue creates. The statement is the reminder to feel the sensation. Don’t get hung up on saying the perfect statement as you tap more specific aspects of the issue may (or may not) surface to write down and tap in the future.
  10. And ALWAYS tap with the flat tips of your fingers, NOT the ends of your fingers/fingernails
  11. Tapping 'vigorously' is good as it helps to get the blocks un-blocked :~) but if it HURTS that's way too much force.
  12. EFT effectiveness builds overtime. The more you do it the more effective it gets.
  13. The K.I.S.S. two-point tapping that Rob recommends is helpful as “emotional first aid”. It’s tapping on the top of the head and the collarbone point for two minutes with your eyes closed while saying your reminder statement. And you can try this to get more energy flowing. Noticing Game to 2-Point Tapping works well.
  14. EFT Tapping can be used to get more energy flowing in your body when feeling down, brain-foggy, lethargic or tired.
  15. If you are unsure of the wording you can do one of two things… Go to the next issue on your list (there’s most likely plenty there). You could tap on “even though I don’t know how to word this… feeling in my gut, throat or heart or wherever you feel like it in your body.
  16. Why does EFT Tapping aim at the "negative" initially. The language that we use initially aims at the negative. This is essential because it is the negative that creates the energy disruptions (zzzzzts) that The EFT Tapping Basic Recipe clears (and thus brings peace to the system). By contrast, conventional methods and popular self-help books stress positive thinking and preach avoiding the negative. This sounds good but, for our purposes, it does little more than cover over the negative with pleasant sounding words. EFT, on the other hand, needs to aim at the negative so it can be neutralized. This allows our natural positives to bubble up to the top." The tapping tends to diffuse the negative, pent up energy. (and once the samskara/blockage that's creating the "negative" energy is cleared than you can do reframes and positive tapping) Added 07/16/22 with the help of Kimberly.

Revised: 11/15/21 Thank you Carrie Dworkin Mader for helping with this.FYI- "All negative emotions are a disruption, a bzzzt, in the energy system." Gary CraigGary Craig says that if the Basic Recipe Tapping doesn't work on certain issues you can go back to the (old school) 9 gamut and Rubbing the sore spot. Here's Gary's other video on "other points" that aren't necessary most of the time unless you are stuck and not getting the result you'd like. "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5j-