21 Mar

Spending some time in what is called 'the silence' (someone is conscious, but without thoughts) is very important for many reasons (which I can expound upon later if you're interested).  One simple, yet effective/powerful, technique for achieving this state is a  breathing exercise.  What you do is, close your eyes, and focus on the 'sensation' of the breath at the tip of your nostrils as it goes in and out. You don’t ‘think’ about it, or analyze it, you just become very aware of what the breath feels like as it goes in and out at the tip of your nostrils.  Do this for a minute or two (or even less) and then switch your attention to your mind. You will notice that thoughts have stopped, you are now in 'the silence.'  Spend some time there, and inevitably you will find yourself back thinking thoughts (which is, as you probably know by now :~), OK!  Just go back to paying attention to the breath at the tip of your nostrils, and then after a bit, notice the 'silence' (lack of thoughts in your mind).  You can do this for 5 or 10 minutes if you wish.  The best time to do it is after 'regular' meditation as your mind is already settled down.  Give it a try and let me know how it goes below. PS - One thing I forgot to mention... it becomes easier over time to spend more time in 'the silence.' Not only because you've been practicing it, but hopefully because you've also been working on releasing the samskaras that generate many of our thoughts. And, on a more 'mystical' level, when you're in 'the silence' then ideas and inspiration can come THROUGH you TO you. You won't notice them while you're IN the silence (because, of course, there are no thoughts in the silence), but they will come to your awareness sometime later, often soon afterwards. But, as usual, don't look for results, that will slow down or even block the process. Don't worry, you'll know when something 'comes through.' :~) :~) :~)

P.S.  For those of you whom would like to do the SBM practice many times a day to keep "dipping" into The Silence, here are the instructions for Short and Simple Breathing Meditation.

Welcome to the Short and Simple Breathing Meditation SSBM – a super simple and fun-loving way to experience a moment of The Silence (a brief time of the mind being quiet) in just 1-2 minutes!

Ready? Here's all you need to do: Close your eyes, take a little deeper breath, and focus on the sensation of air flowing by the very tip of your nose. Feel the gentle touch of the air on the tippy-top of your nose for 5-10 breaths.

Now, it's time to switch your attention to your mind and see if it's quiet.  Just notice.

Eventually, thoughts will try to sneak in, relax and return to the sensation of the air flowing by the very tip of your nose.

You'll notice how quickly your mind can experience The Silence.

Take this quick SSBM break whenever you need it – during work, before a big meeting, or after a hectic day.  But mainly, practice it when many times a day for example at the top of the hour for no reason except for the pleasure of experience some silence.

Remember, this tiny practice packs a powerful punch! Enjoy it and let the magic of The Silence allow your the moments to unfold in your day and be nourished by your day as life makes it all the way through YOU!