01 Mar

CREDIT: https://www.readinggroupguides.com/reviews/the-untethered-soul-the-journey-beyond-yourself/guide

1.The Untethered Soul is unique because in this book you are the main character. Did you find that the character development expressed you pretty well? As the antagonist, how well did the book capture the side of you that causes all of the trouble? As the protagonist, how well did the book capture the potential for greatness that you’ve glimpsed/experienced inside yourself?

2. In Chapter One, the author introduces you to the voice of your mind and provides an in depth discussion of the separation between you, (the awareness) and the voice you are hearing. In fact, the author states “There is nothing more important to true growth than realizing that you are not the voice of the mind - you are the one who hears it.” (p. 10) While reading this chapter, were you able to see the difference between your awareness and the voice of your mind? Describe your experience when you made the voice say “hello”. Have you noticed that your mind will argue both sides of a decision and that you are there listening to it discuss both?

3. In Chapter Two, “Your Inner Roommate,” the author challenges you to take everything your mind says and imagine it as a real person talking to you. Discuss what it would it be like if this personification of your own inner voice was at your side at all times, saying everything your mind says. How would you get along with this person? How long would it take before you’d wish they would just stop talking?

4. In Chapter Four, the author describes how easy it is for us to get so absorbed in watching a movie that we don’t notice anything else. He then discusses how we can get so lost in our thoughts and emotions that we are totally unaware of our surroundings. Do you see how your world becomes limited when you get so lost in thoughts and emotions that you miss the fullness of life that is unfolding right in front of you?

5. In Chapter Five, the author explains that our inner source of energy is infinite and comes from within us. He gives examples to show that our energy level is not always related to food or rest. Describe a time when you suddenly felt energetic and happy. What do you think caused that high energy level to come, and what do you think caused it to go away?

6. In Section Two, the author discusses the changes in your emotions and thoughts as experiences of inner energy that you can simply be aware of. Do you ever notice sudden changes in your emotions and thoughts? Do you see that you are in there experiencing these changes and that you can watch them gain strength? Discuss.

7. Throughout Section Three, the author helps you explore the difference between avoiding pain and fear, and simply releasing it. He presents a powerful practice to help you with this transformation: “When you feel pain, simply view it as energy. Just start seeing these inner experiences as energy passing through your heart and before the eye of your consciousness. Then relax. Do the opposite of contracting and closing…. Relax your shoulders and relax your heart. Let go and give room for the pain to pass through you. It’s just energy. Just see it as energy and let it go.” (p.105) Have you experimented with this technique? If so, what was your experience? Can you see the possibility that if you relaxed every time you felt the energy of fear, anger, or insecurity, that over time the energy of those emotions would pass through and have less influence on your life?

8. Throughout Section Four, the author presents the idea that freedom and enlightenment are your natural state, and it is the walls of your thoughts and emotions that keep you from realizing your true Self. He presents the view that out of fear you created your self-concept as an inner wall to protect you from life. Do you see that you have built, and struggle to maintain, a very specific concept of who you are and how others should view you? Are you inspired to break free of this model you’ve built inside and explore the natural expansiveness of your true being? Discuss.

9. Section Five presents a number of different paths and perspectives to approach your inner growth. Which of the chapters in this section was the most inspiring for you and why? Discuss.

10. In Chapter Fifteen, the author discusses unconditional happiness as a spiritual path. He suggests that happiness is a conscious choice and states: “Regardless of your philosophical beliefs, the fact remains that you were born and you are going to die. During the time in between, you get to choose whether or not you want to enjoy the experience. Events don’t determine whether or not you’re going to be happy. They’re just events. You determine whether or not you’re going to be happy.” (p143) Discuss what it means to you to choose happiness. Do you see that you have the power to embrace life’s events and remain enthused, challenged, and inspired throughout your journey through life?

11. In Chapter Sixteen, the author presents the process of nonresistance as a spiritual path. He writes, “You truly can reach a state in which you never have any more stress, tension, or problems for the rest of your life. You just have to realize that life is giving you a gift, and that gift is the flow of events that takes place between your birth and your death. These events are exciting, challenging, and create tremendous growth… Learn to stop resisting reality, and what used to look like stressful problems will begin to look like the stepping-stones of your spiritual journey.” (p155) Discuss what it would be like to live a life free of resistance. What would the world be like if everyone lived this way?

12. After reading The Untethered Soul, what does the word “freedom” mean to you? How has your understanding of freedom changed? Do you see the difference between “freedom for yourself” versus “freedom from yourself”?