01 Mar

This post is similar to something I wrote in response to an earlier question, but the subject is important so I'm reposting it by itself with a bit more explanation. Someone asked about the connection between 'spirituality' and techniques such as what are often referred to as the 'law of attraction'. What people generally mean by the law of attraction (and similar things) is the ability to use your human mind to 'attract' things to you, things you desire or 'need.' There are various methods to do this, including focusing your attention (concentration), using affirmations, creating storyboards, way too many for me to list them all here. Basically, a lot of people spend a LOT of time doing this, with varying degrees of success. 

In my opinion, you CAN use your 'human mind' to manifest things, I've seen it too many times to doubt it. After all, the substance of 'matter' is mind. I have also seen it fail more often than not, no matter how hard you work at it. BUT --- a "yogi" (or yogini) would never do this (try to manifest a new car, for example, by using their human mind). A yogi's attitude would be, "Why would I ever want what I (my ego/lower self) wants????" Your human mind/ego does NOT have the 'big picture' as to what is good for you, no matter what it tells you. And, you will soon notice that the human self/ego wants to want more than it wants to have. In other words, soon after you get whatever it is that you spent all that time and energy manifesting, it loses its appeal.... the new car loses its thrill, the clothing is not quite the right color, etc. etc. etc.

I have seen several reputable studies that show that most people (somewhere around 2/3's of all winners) who win a big lottery prize (which is probably THE biggest human desire out there :~) are eventually SORRY they won it (yes, really!). It did NOT bring them the joy or peace of mind they were looking for (no surprise there!) and they usually WORSE off than before they won it. :~( 

I should point out that you DO get a temporary 'good feeling' from getting what you (your human mind/ego) wants, which is why that process is so insidious -- you get reinforced every time it happens, even though it NEVER lasts. The reason this happens is that when you DO get what you want, your mind 'shuts up' for a brief period and then the peace and happiness that are your TRUE nature are allowed to emerge. People keep thinking, well, the last thing didn't do it for me, let me keep on with manifesting stuff and sooner or later I WILL get the 'one thing' that will keep me permanently happy and peaceful! OH MY GOD! :~) This is the delusion and error that keeps people on the hamster wheel their whole life! :~( :~( :~( 

By Rob Smith

A truly 'spiritual' being, IMO, follows a spiritual master's advice, such as Jesus's teachings, which include concepts such as the kingdom of heaven is within you, it is Spirit's intention that you be abundant, that you don't need 'to do it yourself' -- even Jesus said "I of myself can do nothing, it is the Spirit within that does the work" -- and finally, when you DO realize that the Kingdom of Heaven (which is where Spirit lives) IS within you, then you KNOW that you have everything you will need within you in a 'potential state,' just waiting to be manifested (by and through Spirit) at the best time for you.

It is Spirit's good pleasure to GIVE you whatever you need BEFORE you even know you need it, and this DOES happen when your human mind/ego quiets down sufficiently. So it is OUR job to 'get in tune' with Spirit, and NOT to try and get Spirit to do our bidding (which is silly, Spirit/God is doing its thing 24/7 and doesn't need our advice or our begging to give us what we need). If we are not getting our needs met it is not God's fault, it is OUR fault for not 'tuning into' Spirit. I'm sitting here right now NOT listening to the radio play 60's oldies, is that God's fault?? NO, it is MY fault for not getting the radio, plugging it in, and tuning to the right station! :~) 

So, you get in tune with Spirit by 'dying daily' to our ego/human self and being reborn into Spirit (also per Jesus). And the way to do that is to practice techniques such as 'surrender' and R & R (thanks MickeyJi!) to 'chip away' at our ego/lower self until our true, Higher Self is revealed (which was there all along, we just didn't realize it). So, yes, if you want to use the law of attraction, or similar techniques, feel free! Those things are not 'bad,' but you will find that they just don't work that well - - so why not spend your time and energy doing something that DOES work well? Just asking... :~) :~)

Hope this helps, let me know if you have any questions! :~) 

Peace & Love, Rob Smith